
Your patent attorney in Dresden, in the Dresden/Görlitz/Freiberg area, Leipzig/Halle and for international mandates in Berlin/Hamburg and Munich.

Information on services, the types of IP rights as well as on the Dresden office can be found in the menu.

On each page you have the opportunity to send a specific inquiry/request for a callback or to arrange a free initial telephone consultation. During this initial consultation, we can discuss your needs together (approximately 30-45 min). Depending on the outcome, we will then be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer. We will agree the scope of the activity with you before any work is done.

Since the beginning of 2024 Dr. Däbritz has been a partner in the law and patent law firm Dinter, Kreißig & Partner mbB. There is always interest in taking on clients, working more closely together or associating with patent attorneys.